Very animal bags

For the youngest ones

Closet favorites

Bolso Mapache Muy Animal Frontal Modelo | Bob  Art

be curious, imagine, dream, follow your instinct, be a good animal

for all genders

Bags for all age groups

For fruit lovers

If you love fruit, we have a special collection for you

Made one by one following an artisanal process

Taller Artesanal Sostenible  Taller |Bob Art

No backpack is exactly the same, as they have been cut and made one at a time.

They are made with a very soft fabric called sueder, which is resistant, ecological and sustainable.

In addition, Bob art factory backpacks may pass from one generation to another, since their tear-resistant and stain-resistant finish provides them with a long life.

  • Artesano Sostenible |Bob Art


    I only make what I have already sold. I do not generate stock remains and I take advantage of all the scraps for the face appliqués. The environmental impact is much less.

  • Alargar La Vida De Un Producto |Bob Art


    If your backpack has suffered an accident, I will do my best to fix it. Extending the life of a product is a good idea to take care of our planet.

  • Exclusivo |Bob Art


    Do you want to have a unique backpack?

    Do you want a special measure?

    Send me your proposal and we will make it come true.

I hope you enjoy my bags and backpacks as much as I enjoy making them for you.